The Time That Passes in a Blink

It is amazing how quickly time can pass. I have not posted a blog entry, podcast episode, or YouTube post in forever it seems. There’s been so much happening, and I thought I’d take a tiny bit to fill you in as to why this has been the case. My plan after that is to hopefully set out a general timeline of when you can expect content from me.
The fact is that for the past six or more months, life has been quite busy for me. I help edit two podcasts, The In Perspective Weekly Podcast, and The Sports Round Table Weekly Podcast. Work has also picked up a bit, among other things. During early May, my fiancee and I were a part of a YouTube video filmed by Peter Santenello, and if you are interested in watching the video, we would be extremely grateful. My laptop chose to completely die during this time frame as well, so I had to wait for about three or so months for my new one to arrive.
Now here we are, and it’s time to set out my plan for releasing content going forward. It is my goal to release something at least once a week. This could be some kind of audio, video, or a blog post. There could be times when more content is pushed out, but we will start with a commitment of something once a week to start.
I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this entry. I am also grateful for any time you spend consuming my content in any form.

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