What I am thankful for (part one)

Welcome to a lovely November morning here in Florida. Where I’m located, the temperature is at a level I am quite satisfied with. It’s about sixty-eight out there and cool as of the time of writing this blog post. It’s November as I’m writing this, and as we approach the thanksgiving holiday, I’m going to write about what I am thankful for in a blog entry from now until the last day of November…

We will start with where I live, I’ve mentioned it in previous posts, but promise in Brevard. Living here has opened so many different avenues and opportunities for me that I don’t think would have if I was not here. some examples include meeting the love of my life, finding people who are closer to my age, and forming lasting bonds with them, able to work the front desk here, and so much more. The community here at Promise has helped me through so many personal experiences from losing friends and family, to helping me grow as a person, and in my view, be more level-headed and open minded when dealing with situations.

In late December 2017, I moved into Promise and from the beginning I felt like I was at home. I started out helping with dishes as food was being served from a friend’s apartment while construction was being finished on the community building where the kitchen was to be set up. When the kitchen was up and running, I helped with serving and then I transitioned to the thrift store for a month or so maybe? I did not find that as enjoyable as other areas. I believe it was August of 2018 when I started volunteering at the front desk; for about I think six or seven months I volunteered before I started employment here. I continue to volunteer where I can hear if I am needed, and if the task is something that I can realistically manage. We are working to expand beyond Promise a group of residents are starting an advocacy group that is going to expand further into the community, to help bring awareness to different issues related to disabilities, but to also show that though we are disabled, that our disabilities do not define who we are, they are challenges that we all strive to overcome daily. We are hoping to bring people from the community here into the group, and eventually create a separate organization from Promise, but we will be able to use Promise as a launchpad, and to grow as much as possible… I’m getting distracted, let’s get back to the original topic, shall we?

This is just one post to show you one of the many things I have in my life to be grateful for. I could probably go on and on, but eventually I think you the reader would or could get bored with reading this long post. Tomorrow I’ll be talking about Amanda. To learn more about who she is and why I’m thankful for her in my life, check back tomorrow!

2 thoughts on “What I am thankful for (part one)”

  1. Hello Ray, it’s me Denise Fitzgerald from Perkins. Sounds really wonderful for you to live down in Brevard with Promise. Hey I love all of your reports about everything going on, sounds fantastic and romantic.

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